It’s holiday again. You know, I start to think that actually bank employees have lotsa cuti ; Not just annual leave but the public holidays and that once in a month leave sorts of holidays but today is a public holiday and I’m at home relaxing, reading blogs and of course writing this entry with my own sweet time.

The past few days I’ve been busy arranging my holidays, applying for leaves as I think I’ll be doing a lot of going places in the next few months. I planned for only the first half of the year that is up till June. I’m glad that my February leave was given a nod by my boss yesterday meaning I will be in KL from the 21-24 of February. Yay!

My two famous intentions for being in KL that time is :

Jay Chou World Tour 2008: Malaysia

I missed a lot of concerts while I’m back at home. Part of the reasons was I was unemployed for almost 10 months before I got my current job and another reason is that I am far away from KL which makes life a little difficult to attend concerts. The last gig that I went to was when Incubus was in town. That was back in 2004. Boy! I love that gig!

I actually got this news from a friend saying that Jay Chou will be in KL. How cool is that? I straight away called bongkersz and guess what? He said got 5 extra tickets, I grabbed one! End of story!

And the second one is :

I’ll turn 26. I’m no Kenny Sia and I’m not going to hold a birthday bash on that day but I’d love celebrate that with all of my friends that I’ve missed so much over the years. And yes it’s you, you, you and all of you!

I’ve yet to think of a place to meet up yet but I’ll let you guys know about it soon enough. This is getting so exciting. I just can’t wait. That would be one helluva week for me!

This coming weekend I will be in Miri again for Carol’s wedding. I’ve been trying to figure out what to wear that night. Haven’t got the time to do my shopping just yet and the wedding is like in a few days! Wah .. I actually ditched my company’s Family Day & Annual Retreat for that wedding. Believe me, it does takes a lot of brainstorming just to get an excuse to not to go for that but I’m happy I survived!

P/S : Zewt, Congrats on you getting married before you reach 30 and bald 😉