cibol sayz

since I last wrote something useful and insightful on this humble web-log of mine. Well, this is where it all started. I am not going to comment any much further on that. I think I am just so glad to be back writing again. I hope this one will last a little longer than the previous hot & cold come back.

My New Lappie

I have just got my new laptop, well not really mine but was given to me by the company. I got it like last week. And so with this, they say :

two million is peanut

Wahlau eh! Itu statement berani mati itu. But anyway, it does help having this thing around. I mean instead of the usual way where our customers need to go to the bank to have their MyKad verified, I can just do it on the spot. It made a few things simpler that way. Besides, I think it is kinda cool to be bringing laptop along for marketing purposes. WE ROCK!

As much as I would like to jump around because of it, another bad news is … our disbursement amount for the month is still far behind schedule and believe me, we really need to bulk up the next few days.

Well, let’s just keep those things aside for the moment and be happy that I am back writing. Good God .. It’s been a while.

Hello Dudes and Duddettes!

Just a Short note here :

I’ve moved my blog to a new place. I will still be visiting this blog once in a while but most of the time I’ll be at :


So, please update your blog link!

I’m really really sorry guys because I’m pretty much uptight here. I’ve not been able to drop down by your blogs for the past few days but I promise you that I will drop by once I’m not that busy. As promised, here are some of the pictures from the wedding dinner.

Date : 12th January 2008
Venue : Dynasty Hotel, Miri
Time : 7:30 pm

Love the sword. Classic!

Champagne supernova?

A closer look at it

Feeding time!

Carol’s turn!

One for the album

The hubby said “I’ll let her by your side only for this one time”

Left – Right : Carol, me & Lily

Oh Yeah! Wouldn’t be complete without it


I do cherish you
For the rest of my life
You don’t have to think twice
I will love you still
From the depths of my soul
It’s beyond my control
I’ve waited so long to say this to you
If you’re asking do I love you this much
I do

And that is the only thing that can describe what I witnessed on Saturday, 12th of January 2008. Finally Carol got married. There goes the last of the Cibol’s angels. It was really a surprised for me when I received a phone call back a few months ago. That was when she told me that she is getting married. She sounds overjoyed that finally they were given the nod by both families to tie the knot. Sweet, one word to describe.

I took the 7:30 pm bus straight after work on Friday. I don’t want to be late for the church wedding the next day. I arrived in Miri at about almost midnight. Jerry picked me up from Pujut Bus Terminal. It was really late I tell you and I was damn starving. Upon reaching home, Texas what we called it. (Pujut padang Kerbau – the name of the place I stayed) I went straight to bed.

The morning I woke up around 6:45 am. Been trying to call Carol but nobody pick up. Guess what? I forgot the time for the wedding. I went there as early as 8:30 am just to find out that it’s actually 10:00 am. Next time, jot it down. Lesson to be learn cibol.

The family portrait

The newlyweds

me and Carol

Don’t ask me why but I like this picture

Lovely aren’t they?

Guys, as for now I’ll just leave you with just these. A little exhausted here. I’ll try my best to put up some pics tomorrow. Good night!

It’s holiday again. You know, I start to think that actually bank employees have lotsa cuti ; Not just annual leave but the public holidays and that once in a month leave sorts of holidays but today is a public holiday and I’m at home relaxing, reading blogs and of course writing this entry with my own sweet time.

The past few days I’ve been busy arranging my holidays, applying for leaves as I think I’ll be doing a lot of going places in the next few months. I planned for only the first half of the year that is up till June. I’m glad that my February leave was given a nod by my boss yesterday meaning I will be in KL from the 21-24 of February. Yay!

My two famous intentions for being in KL that time is :

Jay Chou World Tour 2008: Malaysia

I missed a lot of concerts while I’m back at home. Part of the reasons was I was unemployed for almost 10 months before I got my current job and another reason is that I am far away from KL which makes life a little difficult to attend concerts. The last gig that I went to was when Incubus was in town. That was back in 2004. Boy! I love that gig!

I actually got this news from a friend saying that Jay Chou will be in KL. How cool is that? I straight away called bongkersz and guess what? He said got 5 extra tickets, I grabbed one! End of story!

And the second one is :

I’ll turn 26. I’m no Kenny Sia and I’m not going to hold a birthday bash on that day but I’d love celebrate that with all of my friends that I’ve missed so much over the years. And yes it’s you, you, you and all of you!

I’ve yet to think of a place to meet up yet but I’ll let you guys know about it soon enough. This is getting so exciting. I just can’t wait. That would be one helluva week for me!

This coming weekend I will be in Miri again for Carol’s wedding. I’ve been trying to figure out what to wear that night. Haven’t got the time to do my shopping just yet and the wedding is like in a few days! Wah .. I actually ditched my company’s Family Day & Annual Retreat for that wedding. Believe me, it does takes a lot of brainstorming just to get an excuse to not to go for that but I’m happy I survived!

P/S : Zewt, Congrats on you getting married before you reach 30 and bald 😉


Looks like we made it
Look how far we’ve come my baby
We mighta took the long way
We knew we’d get there someday

No, I’m not having a new girlfriend. I already have a lot. That’s a headache. Besides, like the said – It’s a game, survival of the fittest. It’s a game of total manipulation of emotions. It’s either you lead or you follow – Wise words, my friends.

On this day, 8th January 2007 – “A Life Less Ordinary” was given a new life on wordpress. Thanks to bongkersz and drumsticks for pressing me to move to a new home on wordpress. I’m glad that I made that choice.

It’s been a great year for me and also this blog and to be finally celebrating the first anniversary of me setting my foot on wordpress is a wonderful feeling. Earlier on when I first started on wordpress, I brought some of my friends from me old ye blogger blog, which I finally deleted yesterday because I found it of no use and I think I need to thank Lynnwei for the technorati post. I totally forgot that I actually have a technorati account until I read that post.

Amongst those who’ve I’ve acquainted during my blogger days were Lynnx01, Mar, Kim, Jing, drumsticks and bongkersz to name a few and also not to mention Lola – at the moment having the same problem with Josh Lim – (sewa rumah tak bayar). I’m so blessed to have these people who have been hanging out by my blog and it sort of giving me the push to keep on blogging. Thanks a bunch guys.

The year 2007 have brought in – zewt, keeyit, cbenc12, sean, AceOne118, Dr Bernard Chan & Jonzz (My Warbook Sifoos), Beeean, Daniel, Horny Ang Moh, Kenny, Jamy, Man-D, . It is a great pleasure to have known you guys and to know that you guys do hang out here is an honour for me.

And then as you can see now my blogroll have expanded. Towards the end of the year I made new blogger friends – Bengbeng, MongkeyWong, -MB-, angel and ahBong.

Through the years, I think I do learnt a lot. I’m trying to compare myself with what I was back 3 years ago when first started blogging. I’m not saying that I am now good but at least I see some improvements in me. I’ve learnt a lot from blogs that I read, comments that I’ve received and it’s really a blessing for me.

Well, cheers to the 1st Anniversary of A Life Less Ordinary.

The start of the new year is somewhat I would say one of the busiest time for banks, especially those banks that holds accounts for schools and also the KWAPM accounts. I don’t really know what does KWAPM stands for but it is some monetary aid for the poor and less unfortunate students. Things can get a little nasty sometimes when parents who are dissatisfied with the delay of money being credited into their children’s account. It’s not that we don’t want to credit the money but there is no money to be credited and how can we credit to their account if there’s no money?

Dealing with school is a headache. Why? They use a lot of coins. They come to you with big plastic bags full of coins. They will stand there waiting for you to count the money. Not that we mind a lot about it but it would actually help if we do that at the end of the day because there’s a lot of people who are in a hurry especially those who are dealing with foreign transfer, local and outstation cheques that needs to be cleared on that day itself. If one school come in a day is still okay, I can deal with that but usually it’s like a few schools in a day and they come to the bank with all the coins several time during the day! I don’t understand why they don’t do it in one shot. These are teachers!

If usually the branch only have around 160-175 transactions daily, with the school accounts it can be between 200-250 transactions daily. Being in charge of ATM and CDM – not entirely in charge of it; it’s as busy as the tellers at the counters and it really doesn’t help if you have money lenders next door. Why? Every freaking morning they will withdraw with at least 10 cards; One card, RM 3000 and if there’s 10 cards, RM 30,000. Imagine that RM 30,000 is only from one person / money lender. There are at least 5 money lenders in this particular area, and if all of them withdraw that’s a staggering RM 150,000 in just one fine morning! The amount being top up is like only RM 300,000 every Monday and Friday – Exceptional case when it’s near to the festive season usually can be up to RM 500,000 or a little more than that.

Remember the last time I told you about the things you need to know about ATMs? Well, this is just an additional info on the part where you withdraw money, the cash was not dispensed and there’s no slip being printed. What you have to do when you make a report is that, go to your bank and print your statement which shows the transactions that you’ve made on that particular day and also if possible update your passbook because the bank which “took your money away” need to submit that along with your report. – It will make things easier in a way. The nasty part is, there’s always a delay. It can be 2 weeks and sometimes it can be a month, so be prepared. So if you are in dying need of money, I’ll say you can just forget about that. So to prevent all this, read my last post about ATM.

I was having this conversation with a very good friend of mine.

Bongkersz : ee kiutnya who is that?
cibol : my cousin
cibol : meet sherlynn dannieyra
cibol : ha ha ha
cibol : omos 2 years old la
Bongkersz : wat a name! ask her wait for me
Bongkersz : hahahaha
cibol : ya
cibol : very cute
Bongkersz : cute
cibol : the father kanasai. me more hensom but the baby dem cute
cibol : ha ha ha
cibol : the parents younger then me
Bongkersz : owh? haha
cibol : ya la
Bongkersz : i want have mine oso. kids
cibol : ha ha ha
Bongkersz : kids so cute
Bongkersz : ahahaha
cibol : i told that to quite number of people – i want kids, their answer – I’m crazy
cibol : How could they don’t like kids?
cibol : ha ha ha
Bongkersz : they are dumb and selfish
cibol : anak itu pengikat silaturahim
cibol : wahahaha
Bongkersz : they are selfish. and bodoh. kids supposed to be a blessing not a burden. only if they realise their parents never think that way before having them
Bongkersz : if i married i will want anak fast
Bongkersz : if bini dun want i find other bini. serious
Bongkersz : after all we are here to procreate. hahahahahahahaa
cibol : true true
cibol : the faster the better
cibol : we are not getting younger
Bongkersz : stop giving me excuses like not yet time… no money.. nobody take care…
Bongkersz : yeah faster dude
cibol : money can find, anak .. if late by one year can suffer consequences
cibol : ha ha ha
Bongkersz : wah we same wavelength!! haha

It’s kinda sad when to think about it. There are people who actually said back to me,

“You think having kids very easy meh?”

“Why should I? Enjoy life mar .. I’m still so young”

“Eeeii … later I grow fat liw”

Of course it’s not easy but imagine if your parents when they were about to have you said of the same thing and suddenly change their mind not to have you? So, how? You will not be here, reading this isn’t it? Same goes with people who think that children are like a burden.

I don’t deny that financially stable is a keyword here la but if to wait until you don’t have any hutang ah, you pencen also you kenot have babies la lidat? Aiyo .. I just compiled something here la.

Famous reason for not having a baby yet
1. No money
2. I’m still very young
3. No time – If got baby kenot jalan-jalan and play liw
4. Nobody jaga
5. I don’t want to grow fat

Famous Reason for me wanting to have babies – Fast!
1. I’m not getting younger – I don’t want to have my first child when I’m 30+
2. I like kids
3. When I retire, my kids work already and I don’t need to scratch my head to find money
4. Kids are blessings, not a burden.
5. When I retire, I can goyang kaki and they all jia me!

cibol : ya la
cibol : think about it
cibol : when u pencen, ur kid still in uni .. suffer ler
Bongkersz : if only u a gal dude,.. and pretty a bit haha
cibol : even my dad ah, kawen at the age 24 still my sis when he pencen next time in uni
cibol : but it’s ok because me and my 2nd sis work aredi
cibol : imagine if u kawen lambat and happen also case lidat .. mati dude
cibol : pencen where enuff
cibol : then u kenot relax liw
cibol : if i am a gal ah? .. ha ha ha .. cibei

P/S : I wanna take out the part where he actually said – If only you’re a girl and pretty a bit. Kanneh! Sounded so wrong there …

My new love. Everytime I go to Miri, sure go to her place

Ok, she’s the darling of the family. 1 and a half year old Baby Dannieyra.

Bah .. Can’t have enough of her

The sweetest thing. Sweet child O mine – Rock on!

Darling .. Darling .. Darling ..
Sugar .. Honey .. Honey
My candy girl
My one and only .. You!

Me and my little princess – Sherlynn Danieyrra

A start of a new year, what did you do on new year’s eve?

Well, I didn’t stay up till 12 actually. So, In a way I missed the countdown. I was downward drunk with my friends. – Kidding. I just stayed at home entertaining friends. We had BBQ at my place, just a few of us. We had some drinks, chit-chat and that’s about it. Nothing much really.

That’s very traditional of you.

Of course. That’s pretty much sums up my new year’s celebration but seriously, I missed the countdown. I slept right after I made some calls to friends and family. I can’t sent any sms so I have to call them up. Maybe due to the craziness of people getting on the phone on new year’s eve, some of them I couldn’t get through – SO GUYS! I’M NOT FORGETTING YOU ALL! I DID TRY TO CALL YOU!

So, how has 2007 been for you?
Good. I learnt a lot of stuffs of life, love and my faith and in a way I think I grew up a little. 😉

Anything in particular that you want to highlight?

Nothing much. Maybe the part that I had my convocation. Finally I made it up that stage. You know, I’ve been waiting for that moment to come and when it finally came, it felt like nothing but in a way I see that as one of the milestones in my life. Something worth remembering.

What did you studied in College?
Economics. I major in Business Economics. It sounds boring, I know. 😉

You don’t really like it?

Well, not saying that I don’t like it. It’s interesting in a way but to be honest with you, I also don’t know what I like. So it’s pretty much about just getting myself a degree and carry on with life. I mean, like what you study – Does it really matter? I can be an engineer, a banker or whatever that is offered in the industry, if I’m not earning as much as those who sells roti canai in mamak stalls does it make me feel any better? You got the brain but no money, what’s the use? – Borrowed that from a friend actually. I thank him for that.

Did you carved any resolutions last year?
Not really but I guess if you track back my first post on wordpress you’d probably find some I guess. Let’s see :

1. Get a decent job – Done
2. Get A driving License – On the way
3. Keep on blogging – Done, with flying colors (I hope so)
4. Save some money – Except for the Korea trip, I think I might have to postpone that one

I don’t really go all out carving resolutions.

That’s pretty easy to achieve isn’t it?

Yeah, pretty much but you need discipline for that especially for the later part of the resolutions. With greater power comes greater responsibilities, with greater money, if you don’t spend it wisely, comes greater misery.

Carved any for this year?

Nothing much. I’ve listed a few actually. These are the things that I think very possible for me to achieve this year.

1. Buy a car
2. Get my own domain
3. Be happy

Pretty boring. Amoi asked me to put “Get a girlfriend and get married” in my resolutions – Nah! That’s not a resolution. They’ll come when the time comes but as for the moment, maybe not but we never know what will happen in the next 12 months.

Any special project going on? music-wise?

Currently I’m working on a few tracks. Money and equipment has been the setbacks for all these while. I hope I will have everything by end of this year so that I can have my very own studio at home. That would be better.

So, hoping to hear that real soon.

Hopefully. I’ve got 4 songs yet to be titled – I really like one of them. I might just call it “Used To” – I don’t know. We’ll see what will happen.

I guess that’s all for today. Thanks for your time and happy new year.
Thanks, happy new year.

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