since I last wrote something useful and insightful on this humble web-log of mine. Well, this is where it all started. I am not going to comment any much further on that. I think I am just so glad to be back writing again. I hope this one will last a little longer than the previous hot & cold come back.

My New Lappie

I have just got my new laptop, well not really mine but was given to me by the company. I got it like last week. And so with this, they say :

two million is peanut

Wahlau eh! Itu statement berani mati itu. But anyway, it does help having this thing around. I mean instead of the usual way where our customers need to go to the bank to have their MyKad verified, I can just do it on the spot. It made a few things simpler that way. Besides, I think it is kinda cool to be bringing laptop along for marketing purposes. WE ROCK!

As much as I would like to jump around because of it, another bad news is … our disbursement amount for the month is still far behind schedule and believe me, we really need to bulk up the next few days.

Well, let’s just keep those things aside for the moment and be happy that I am back writing. Good God .. It’s been a while.